Saturday, March 16, 2019

Morality And Ethics And Computers :: essays research papers fc

Morality and Ethics and Computers      in that location argon many an(prenominal) different locatings to the discussion on moral and honest accustoms of figurers. In many situations, the morality of a particular use of acomputer is up to the individual to define. For this reason, absolute laws astir(predicate) ethical computer usage is almost, but not entirely, impossible to define.     The introduction of computers into the workplace has introduced manyquestions as well Should employers unclutter sure the workplace is designed to background health risks such as back strain and carpal tunnel syndrome for peoplewho work with computers? Can employers prohibit employees from sending personalmemos by electronic mail to a friend at the other side of the office? Shouldemployers monitor employees work on computers? If so, should employees bewarned beforehand? If warned, does that make the practice okay? According toKenneth Goodman, director of the Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy at theUniversity of Miami, who teaches courses in computer ethics, "Theres hardly abusiness thats not utilise computers."1 This makes these questions all the moreimportant for todays society to answer.     There are in addition many moral and ethical problems dealing with the use ofcomputers in the medical field. In one particular case, a technician trustedwhat he thought a computer was telling him, and administered a deadly process ofradiation to a hospital patient.2 In cases like these, it is difficult to decidewhos fault it is. It could hold in been the computer programmers fault, butGoodman asks, "How much responsibility crumb you place on a machine?"3Many problems also occur when computers are used in education. Shouldcomputers commute actual teachers in the classroom? In some schools, computersand computer manuals have already started to replace teachers. I would considerthis an unethical use of c omputers because computers do not have the ability tothink and interact on an interpersonal basis.     Computers "de mercifulize human activity"4 by taking away many jobs and make many others "boring exercises in pushing the buttons that make thetechnology work." 5     Complete privacy is almost impossible in this computer age. By using acredit card or check cashing card, first appearance a raffle, or subscribing to amagazine, people provide information about themselves that can be sold tomarketers and distributed to data bases throughout the world. When people usethe world-wide web, the sites they visit and download things from, make a recordthat can be traced back to the person.6 This is not protected, as it is whenbooks are checked out of a library. Therefore, information about someonespersonal preferences and interests can be sold to anyone.

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